
About: Eva Taylor

I am a UofT Graduate of Fine Art History. My current career is Food Style but I've been a Project Manager/Client Service Manager for a very small design firm and a Creative Director for KPMG National Marketing Canada, Marketing Manager for The Printing House and Client Service Manager for Marketing Island. I used to love to ride my bike to work but now I schlep a lot of tools to and fro so I must drive. My hobbies include blogging, sewing, painting and sketching. I love to cook, hence,​ the reno during which we had the kitchen enlarged by 100 square feet (9.3 square metres) in 2007. I had used the reno blog to get rid of stress, I found writing it down made me feel better. Now, 17 years later, I am blogging about everything to do with our new kitchen. Thanks for dropping by.

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