
Archive for February 6th, 2012

Well, it’s past Super Bowl and we all know how that turned out…. Of course, I have such little interest in it (sorry Jed) that I can’t even be bothered to insert the winning team name in a blog I set up on the weekend. Sigh.
Although Super Bowl Sunday was our feeding frenzy theme my excitement wasn’t exactly for the New England Patriots or even the New York Giants, it WAS ABSOLUTELY about the feast we prepared. We started with the New England Bacon Wrapped Scallops and Bacon Wrapped Dates; now honestly, what isn’t better wrapped in bacon? It’s a mind numbing easy recipe, so hold on tight.

Can you smell the sweet scallops and the salty bacon?

New England Bacon Wrapped Scallops


  • 12 Nova Scotia New England Scallops (I like this size because they are small enough to pop into your mouth – about 1″ in diametre)
  • 6 strips smoked bacon (nothing fancy) sliced in half cross-wise to give you 12 slices
  • 12 toothpicks


  1. Par cook the bacon between a few sheets of paper towel in the microwave (2 minutes on high should do it). This is to get some of the water of out it and start the fat to render. Set aside and allow to cool.
  2. Pre heat the oven to 375°F / 190°C
  3. Take a slice of bacon and wrap tightly around a scallop and secure with the toothpick. Repeat until done.
  4. Bake until scallop is no longer translucent and bacon is crispy.
  5. Serve warm.

Better claim one now, before it’s too late!

Bacon Wrapped Dates


  • 12 Majule dates
  • 6 strips smoked bacon (nothing fancy) sliced in half cross-wise to give you 12 slices
  • 12 toothpicks


  1. Par cook the bacon between a few sheets of paper towel in the microwave (2 minutes on high should do it). This is to get some of the water of out it and start the fat to render. Set aside and allow to cool.
  2. Pre-heat the oven to 375°F / 190°C
  3. Take a slice of bacon and wrap tightly around a date and secure with the toothpick. Repeat until done.
  4. Bake until the bacon is crispy and the dates have heated through, usually no longer than 8-10 minutes.
  5. Serve warm

    The dates get all creamy and sweet when baked. Watch-it, that one has MY name on it!

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