
Archive for August 6th, 2011

On Saturday, we had my dearest friend Kim (from University) and her hubby Mike over for brunch. They have been away so much in the last month (oh, you know, Hungary, France, Germany and Alberta) that we had to “sneak” in a quick visit. Kim’s birthday is 11 days before mine (yes, SHE is older!), and we ALWAYS get together for our birthdays.

I’m very proud of Kim, she lost 65lbs a few year’s ago doing the same Dr. monitored diet I did and she has kept it off. She looks hot and sexy and gorgeous; a truly amazing and giving woman. So whenever they come over, I try to cook a reasonably healthy meal. She has some intolerance, such as soy and gluten; and Mike has some significant dislikes, onions and nuts and some things out of the blue. I always like to cook things our guests really enjoy eating, so it’s a bit of a challenge, but I’m always up for it! PS Mike seemed to like everything I made!!!

The other day, we saw Laura Calder on French Food at Home cook up a lovely Soufléed Omelet and I thought it would be a wonderful brunchy meal. Of course, I had to ‘lighten’ it up a touch. We started the meal with our home-grown tomato and Bocconcini skewers with home grown basil. And then it was Roland’s Deconstructed Grilled Caesar Salad, and then the Spinach and Feta Soufléed Omlette, and to finish, a fruit cup with ‘sabayon.

Deconstucted Caesar Salad – to keep it a bit healthier, we cut the Peameal in half. The dressing is a low fat Caesar I make.

The Deconstructed Caesar Salad

Soufléed Omlette with Spinach and Feta

Soufléed Spinach and Feta Omlette

I bought these adorable little square cast iron pans a while ago and decided a square omelet would be cool! I had a half a celery root and a clove of garlic that I roasted and then puréed with a splash of LS chicken stock, then I strained it through a fine sieve to get rid of the lumps; I folded this mixture into the egg yolks for added flavour.

Serves 4


  • 4 large eggs separated, plus 1 egg white
  • 1/2 cup of puréed, strained roasted celery root and garlic (you may also add 1/2 onion, but I left this out, due to Mike’s extreme dislike of onions)
  • 4 cups spinach, rinsed and dried
  • 2 cloves garlic finely minced
  • 1/2 cup of crumbled feta
  • 4 basil leaves as garnish


  1. Pre heat oven to 350°F.
  2. Beat egg yolks until light and thick, fold in the roasted celery root mix.
  3. Beat egg whites until fluffy but not dry.
  4. Mix in a little of the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture.
  5. Slowly fold in the egg yolk mix into the whites, incorporating the whites well, but not deflating.
  6. Heat a small squirt of non-stick spray in the cast iron pans. Remove from heat.
  7. Divide egg mixture evenly between all four pans. Insert into oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes.
  8. While baking, sauté the spinach and garlic until it has shriveled. Pour into cheese cloth and squeeze out the excess liquid. Chop and set aside.
  9. When the souflée has browned a tiny bit, add the spinach and crumbled feta. Broil for about 1 minute or until cheese begins to bubble a tiny bit.
  10. Serve immediately.

The ‘sabayon’ is about 2 tbsp low fat mayo, 1/2 cup low fat yogurt, 1 tsp vanilla and 2 tbsp honey. Mix well and serve drizzled over fruit.

PS. On TV Laura did not cook the egg yolks, but in the recipe, she does. It works well without the cooking as above.

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